Luigi Galvani was an 18th century Italian doctor and scientist who experimented with bioelectricity. How? He cut the legs off a dead frog and hooked electrodes to them to demonstrate that electricity could cause the muscles to contract. The original Dr Frankenstein- in fact, Mary Shelley had recently read about his work when she wrote her novel. His name endures in electrical terms like Galvanic corrosion and Galvanize.
The Galvani Boost can be the spark that's missing to bring your guitar tone to life. It's a simple Class A Jfet amplifier circuit with lots of volume on tap and that saturated tube-like tone Jfets are known for. It works great to push a clean amp into breakup, while adding a little extra crunch of its own, or it can drive a dirty amp into distortion. The high input impedance keeps your high end intact, delivering a bright crisp and crunchy tone.
- Built in a vintage trouble shooter volt meter. The meter's needle indicates signal strength
- incandescent illuminated meter face
- Premium DeMont footswitch
- Switchcraft audio jacks
- USA made PCB and eyelet board construction
- Stainless Steel Hardware